Wednesday 21 September 2011

Students being graded.

2nd October grading for students notified by Sensei Dean and here is the syllabus in case your not sure what you should know:
10th Kyu, Jukyu White belt: all students start at this level no test necessary.

9th Kyu, Kyukyu, Red belt: Sanchin warn up exercises; must know how to tie their belt without help.

8th Kyu, Eachikyu, Yellow Belt: Sanchin; Hojundo.

7th Kyu Sichikyu, Orange belt: Sanchin; Hojundo; Kurnite 1.

6th Kyu, Rokkyu, Purple belt: Sanchin; Hojundo; Kumite 1; Konshiwa.

5th Kyu, Gokyu, Green Belt: Sanchin Hojundo (in Japanese); Kumite 1; Konshiwa; Konshiwa; Bunkai; Arm rubbing and pounding (Katicki-Tai); sparring.

4th Kyu Yonkyu, Green Belt with 2 Inch Brown Stripe: Sanchin; Hojundo (in Japanese); Kyu Kumite; Daini Seisani; Konshiwa Bunkai; Katicki-Tai; Sparring.

3rd Kyu Sankyu, Brown BeIt with I Black Stripe: Sanchin; Hojundo (in Japanese) Kyu Kurnite; Seichin; Katicki-Tai Konshiwa Bunkai; Sparring.

2nd Kyu, Nikyu' Brown BeIt with 2 Black Stripes: Sanchin; Hojundo (in Japanese) Kyu Kunite; Seisan Katicki-Tai Konshiwa Bunkai; Sparring.

lst Kyu Ikkyur Brown BeIt with 3 Black Stripes: Sanchin; Eojundo ( in Japanese) t Dan Kumite (Ten Point) Seisan; Katicki-Tai Konshiwa Bunkai; Sparring.

Ist Dan, Shodan, Black Belt: Sanchini Eojundo ( in Japanese) ; Katicki-Tai; Dan Kumite; Seisani; Seisan Bunkai Questions (General 'and History of Uechi-Ryu); Sparring.

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