Tuesday 22 March 2011

English Championships - Sheffield

The English is as usual this year in Sheffield on 16th to 17th April so we are now getting organised and collecting money if you want to compete speak to Sensei Dean to make sure you are eligible too fight.


Uechi Ryu Karate Do said...

Signed up for the English so far are:

Rob Camp, Alfie Ambrose, Jack Lowe, Joe Denham, Alex Jones, Jack Hooker, Charley Coulson, Elise Williams, Tianee Harvey, Kirstie Reid, Daniel Kirby and Jamaal Otto.

Teams still to be announced but if we can avoid each other in the early rounds it should be a good medal haul.

Uechi Ryu Karate Do said...

Female team: Kirsty, Elise, Tianee
Male Team 14-15 year olds: Rob, Jamaal, Joe
Male Team 16-17 year olds: Alf, Jack L
Male Team 12-13 year olds: Alex, Charlie, Jack H

Uechi Ryu Karate Do said...

Right we are all off to sheffield hopefully a winning weekend for all.

So good luck to all the squad and we will report the results as they come in.

Uechi Ryu Karate Do said...

Results are:
Boys cadet team: Gold
Girls cadet team: Gold
Girls 16-17: Silver
Boys 12-13: Bronze
Individual Golds for: Rob Camp,Jamaal Otto, Lewis Ali.
Silver medals for: Alfi Ambrose, Elise Williams, Tianee Harvey.
At the English open you have to be the best to go there and Uechi proved them selves to be the best club with the best coaches.