AS a very successful karate club and our students being selected for European and World championships sending the students all over the world has become a costly exercise so are trying to raise money to fund this and other projects like our own DOJO which has now been obtained and we will now be trying to raise money for mats and other training items.

Its an honour to represent our country and wear the "3 lions" on our chests but VERY expensive.
If you could help in this whether by funding (even if it is just £1.00) or suggesting/helping with fund raising then your help would be appreciated and you could contact Dean on 07590993055 or e-mail

We also have a Pay pal account set up for those that would like to help out with a donation as we would also be looking for a sponsor that we could advertise for.

The paypal account is

We now have an EBAY operation and a regular raffle so donations of sale items/prizes would also be gratefully recieved.


Topaz said...

Uechi Ryu and friends fundraising night - sunday 18th September - 6pm til late - tandoori parlour , thundersley , Essex . DJ and Meal included £12 ticket , students family and friends all welcome , tickets on sale at club at Tuesday and Friday class, or contact Topaz on 0780 2193177

Iain said...

Looking forward to it it should be fun.

melxxx said...

Pamper and shopping evening - Friday 23rd September - 7pm -10pm Thundersley methodist church, kennington avenue, benfleet.

Come and be pampered!!...many lovely stalls, lots to choose from!

tickets are now on sale, or can be bought on the door.
all proceeds going towards uechi-ryu fundraising.

contact mel on 07544 694 693

Dean said...

Tickets for fundraising night- tandoori parlour - available now gang 18th September - meal and DJ £12 a ticket , please support this event , plus will be a brilliant night

Lesley Ambrose said...

hi all, definates confirmed partylite candles, peggy and minnie jewellery and handbags, jo's cupcakes, forever living products, upmarket make up, ladies clothing, twinkle jewellery and accessories, phoniex cards, Mr. Brownes traditional sweets, Hair come the girls, Daliya's beauty, Lisa's Tips and Toes, Usbourne books,Handmade cards, Handmade jewellery, Floral arrangements and more to be confirmed!!!......tell all of your family and friends!! Tx Inbox me if you want tickets ! Only £3 each ....

Dean Lowe said...

Fund raising is still up and running for future projects:

The pamper nights are still going strong as we have a good turn out the next one is on the 30th November 7-10pm at Runneymede Hall

Tickets are on sale with Dean 07544694693.