Wednesday 21 September 2011

EKKA East England Open Championships

The new competition season is now under way and the first competition was the EKKA open where we had some new up and coming talent in the Uechi kumite squad:

Tyler Flemming Gold
Holly Mole Gold
Olivier Griffiths Silver
Monique Pauley Silver
Ellie Hooker Bronze

Hopefully big things from these in the future.

The more experienced fighters also got in the medals and it was a good warm up for them for the up and coming season:

Jamaal Otto Gold x2 Special mention to Jamaal who also fought in the adults section and one Gold (Jamaal is only 15)

Tianee Harvey Silver
Billy Towler Silver
Jack Hooker Silver

Joe Denham Bronze
Tom Lowe Bronze

 Billy Towler in his first competition as a Uechi fighter gets a silver keep up the hard work in training and they will turn to Golds.

Bring on the next comp!!!

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