Sunday 2 February 2014

Blog Update

Hi Gang,

So it's only been three years, but we're going to have a go at updating the Uechi-Ryu blog!

The plan is to use this alongside Facebook and the new Uechi Ryu Essex Twitter account to colllate ALL important information and news relating to all things Uechi Ryu Essex.

The club is going from strength to strength and 2014 is going to be a MASSIVE year for everyone involved. 

To all our new students and families, a BIG welcome to the Uechi family, we hope you're already seeing the benefits of your kids learning karate, the Uechi-Ryu way!

It's a big year for a number of reasons, from our new beginner's classes, right through to our cadet and junior squad competing internationally for club, England region and England teams.

I'm hoping to get someone who knows what they're doing to give the website a well deserved make-over but in the meantime, please check out our latest blogs giving you all the essential Uechi Ryu Essex news.

Here's a pic taken from Friday's class, which will be appearing on the Evening Echo soon!

All the best

Sensei Dean Lowe

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Wayne Otto Seminar

If you want to go speak to Sensei Dean 07590993055 we went last year and it was very good and worth the money.

Friday 21 October 2011



Results Essex Kings 43 individual medals and 6 Team trophies and Uechi club of the year.

Uechi championships - 6th November - Birmingham - club will be going by coach - all students should attend as it will be Uechi club against Uechi club!

And we need to beat Terry & Wayne's club!!
Name:                                           Gold             Silver           Bronze
Uechi Ryu Essex           16           14           21
Uechi Ryu Bow               8             7             9

Uechi Ryu Nechells         4            6             7
Uechi Ryu Southfields                   2             4

Tuesday 11 October 2011

TheSquad selected for the Junior World Championships Malaysia.

Congratulations to the selected athletes, with 4 Uechi fighters going!!
Natalie Payne, Aimee Sell, Emma Lucraft
Navin Patel, Kieran Nunkoo, Alex Gardner

Kata Team:
Melissa Williamson, Kelly Horsfall, Kira Munns-Charlton

Jonathan Mottram

Chloe Sheldon, Lauren Crawford, Hannah West, Charlotte Wastell, Phillipa Morris, Stephanie Thorndick, Sophie Santillo, Rebecca Croly, Lauren Tutty
Ryan Jay, Ashley Taylor, Jack Lowe, Joshua Farrand, Michael Burke, Callum Holmes, Thomas Hickman, Jamaal Otto, Alfie Ambrose, Joe Kellaway, Ryan Lambert

William Thomas, Davin Pack
 Willie and Davin

The Final medal position
The Final say:
On the 8th October 2011 the England Junior squad flew out to Malaysia to compete in the world championships, the Squad was made up of the elite hand picked fighters from across the country. These fighters are from a number of different styles and clubs from across England.
We are proud to say that we had four fighters from Uechi –Ryu GB representing England at these championships – Jamaal Otto (East London), Jack Lowe (Essex) , Alfie Ambrose (Essex) and Hannah West (Essex).
Jamal Otto showed his pedigree, fighting his way to the quarter finals, to meet a Turkish opponent. This was perhaps the most exciting and spectacular bout of the whole Championships. Trailing 7-4 at the end of the allocated time, Jamal scored with a magnificent spinning back kick to the head to take the scope to 7-7. The Turkish officials protested, but the point was deemed to have been scored on the bell and not after. At 4-4 in the extension, the bout went to the Turkish competitor. There were a total of six 3-point scoring techniques in this magnificent contest! In the reperchage, Jamal fought through to the bout before the Bronze Medal final and sustained a back injury against his Japanese opponent. Jamal actually won the bout, but because he had been on the ground more than 10 seconds, he was disqualified. It was a shame as he looked very capable of winning a well-delved medal.
Jack Lowe was fighting a German opponent in the first round and it was 0-0, with each seemingly cancelling each other out. With one second to go, the German attacked and scored. His opponent did not make the final so no repercharge. This was a hard way for Jack to go out of the championships considering he looked the fighter in control for the whole fight.
Alfie Ambrose made the last 16, losing out to a Greek opponent. Alfie won a Bronze at the Europeans in February and continued to show his pedigree.
Hannah West also looked very good. She is only 14, yet showed great maturity, using her height and long kicks. She battled her way into the last 8, then fought a French competitor who closed the distance and denied Hannah the possibility of using her reach advantage. The French competitor then lost unluckily to a Bosnian, denying Hannah the repercharge.
I attended the championships in support of our Uechi fighters and the rest of the squad.
I was totally impressed with the attitude and commitment of our representatives. I have watched and worked with our gang this last few years and I would like to point out how proud I am of you all. From seeing your faces when you were picked for this great achievement to represent your country, to seeing you stand out on the tatami wearing your England badge with pride, was nice to see your hard work pay off.
Was so happy I was able to witness this special time for you all.
Good luck for the future and may Uechi Ryu in England and across the world continue to grow and achieve.
Dean Lowe

Monday 10 October 2011

BIKO Competition

The third competition of the season has just been completed and another set of good results by the Uechi fighters:

Team Gold Alex, Ryan, Bryce

Gold for Willem Marais, Jack Hooker, Kirsty Reid, Alex Jones,
Silver for Ryan Luke and  Elise Williams x2
Bronze for Aaron Pelagrinio, Tianee Harvey, Elise Williams

Joe, Bill and Richard just outside the medals this time.
Total fighters 12 Total medals 13!!!!!!!

Monday 26 September 2011

Southern England Karate Championships

Second comp of the new season was at Clacton for the Toyakwai Southern Championships and another good result by the Uechi fighters, 9 fighters & 7 of them picked up a trophy:

Willem Marais Gold in the Champions Cup

Kirsty Reid      Gold
Elise Williams Gold

Billie Costa     Silver
Lucy Costa      Silver
Tianee Harvey Silver

Joe Denham     Bronze

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Students being graded.

2nd October grading for students notified by Sensei Dean and here is the syllabus in case your not sure what you should know:
10th Kyu, Jukyu White belt: all students start at this level no test necessary.

9th Kyu, Kyukyu, Red belt: Sanchin warn up exercises; must know how to tie their belt without help.

8th Kyu, Eachikyu, Yellow Belt: Sanchin; Hojundo.

7th Kyu Sichikyu, Orange belt: Sanchin; Hojundo; Kurnite 1.

6th Kyu, Rokkyu, Purple belt: Sanchin; Hojundo; Kumite 1; Konshiwa.

5th Kyu, Gokyu, Green Belt: Sanchin Hojundo (in Japanese); Kumite 1; Konshiwa; Konshiwa; Bunkai; Arm rubbing and pounding (Katicki-Tai); sparring.

4th Kyu Yonkyu, Green Belt with 2 Inch Brown Stripe: Sanchin; Hojundo (in Japanese); Kyu Kumite; Daini Seisani; Konshiwa Bunkai; Katicki-Tai; Sparring.

3rd Kyu Sankyu, Brown BeIt with I Black Stripe: Sanchin; Hojundo (in Japanese) Kyu Kurnite; Seichin; Katicki-Tai Konshiwa Bunkai; Sparring.

2nd Kyu, Nikyu' Brown BeIt with 2 Black Stripes: Sanchin; Hojundo (in Japanese) Kyu Kunite; Seisan Katicki-Tai Konshiwa Bunkai; Sparring.

lst Kyu Ikkyur Brown BeIt with 3 Black Stripes: Sanchin; Eojundo ( in Japanese) t Dan Kumite (Ten Point) Seisan; Katicki-Tai Konshiwa Bunkai; Sparring.

Ist Dan, Shodan, Black Belt: Sanchini Eojundo ( in Japanese) ; Katicki-Tai; Dan Kumite; Seisani; Seisan Bunkai Questions (General 'and History of Uechi-Ryu); Sparring.